The Berkeley Archives: Jon Yip Talks to Himself

A Systematic Commentary On My Life At Berkeley

Week Fifteen: The Rain Kept Falling


I walked to the BART station in the rain on Saturday morning and got totally soaked. Then I rushed rushed rushed home (Dad was late picking me up at the station) and went to worship practice. And the rain kept falling, which means we get even MORE snow in the mountains! YES!

Cell group was cool; it was at Rona's house. It was getting cold that day. Anyway, Morgan didn't know that he was leading worship, so we didn't have any, and Tim had some part of the lesson that Wayne needed but Tim was playing at an orchestra concert, so we just played a really long game of charades. Not a single person guessed any one of the things until I guessed the VERY last one that Victor was acting. There was good food at the end. I called Tiffany really late at night to ask if she was going to sing on the worship team.

This morning our team led worship, and it turned out really well. I am starting to get accustomed to playing the bass part on the keyboard because we have no real bass player. Oh well, there's more team member switching yet to come...

I took the BART back home (argh) and read some of Julius Caesar on the trip. I still need to read more now, but there's so much stuff to do... Tele-bears, and Christmas play casting! AAHH...!


I woke up this morning, printed out my partially completed Film 25A Final Paper, and went to English 173 expecting to get a grade back for my animation project, only to find that class was canceled because the instructor was ill. So I went to the Doe Library and idled away until I decided to do something actually interesting and went to the Media Center in Moffitt and checked out the DVD of Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You for 20 minutes until I had to go to Film 25A. The part of the movie that I saw was really cool; it was like a musical with singing and dancing, and the script was really good (now I know why Woody Allen is famous for his screenplays), and Edward Norton was in it (the singing and dancing was all him too, not someone else dubbing for him), as well as Natalie Portman. Maybe tomorrow I will go back to finish the rest of it.

I was really tired during the film class and didn't pay much attention at all.

Bill Gates was just murdered a few minutes ago. Never mind, it's fake.

I talked to the instructor afterwards about my paper, and it was all wrong; I didn't have a strong argument, etc., etc., it was all description and not enough of the BS, as usual. So I spent all night retooling it and now it's pretty much finished. It just needs some touching up tomorrow.


I woke up this morning with a mass of mosquito bites all over my head. I heard it buzzing around my head all night, and sometime during the middle of the night it must have bitten my hand because the itching on my palm was driving me crazy. So now I have three bites on my right ear (I sleep on my left side so my right ear is exposed), one on my palm (the most painful and annoying one), two on my neck, one on each temple, three on my left cheek and two on my right. That's thirteen bites total. It's making me go up the walls, I'm so itchy. Currently the most buggin' one (no pun intended) is the one on my ear; that stupid bug bit me in like the same places so now my ear is really big. I found that accursed beast this afternoon, lounging on the curtain, so I smashed it to hell and got blood (mine, presumably) all over the white drapes. Oh well. And I'm sure there's at least another because I don't see how one little bug could possibly eat all that blood by itself. I'm going to hunt down that little bastard and crush her (they're females, you know). If any more bugs bite me tonight, I will destroy them and bathe my hands in their gore (thanks to Julius Caesar for that colorful reference).

Nvidia stocks went up through the roof today, so that made me happy. I also finished reading Julius Caesar, only to find out in class that the professor changed his mind: he WASN'T going to put any quotes from it in the final. ARGH, I should have just spent the time reading those dead boring Henry plays instead.

After class I went to the Moffitt Library and watched the rest of Everyone Says I Love You, which I really liked a lot. It's a good musical.

Instead of working really hard on my paper like I should have, I watched Magnolia back in my room, which also happened to be a good movie. But I finished the paper and it looks pretty decent right now; completely different from what it started out as. I must hand it in tomorrow...

And I'm also now working on my redo of the first shot analysis essay that bagged me a B-something, with hopes that I can possibly snag an A on it and boost my overall grade up a bit. I'm getting REALLY tired of all this.

I need money to get cool stuff like an M4A1 and a Playstation 2. Grr...

Fire alarm just went off at 3:00 in the morning, right after I went to bed! Someone pulled the alarm! Someone on our floor! DAMN! Now it's 3:30 and I'm tired enough as it is.


I got an A on the animation! YES!! And I handed in my final paper in Film 25A and also found out that it was too late to redo the first paper, even though that assistant TOLD ME that there was no time limit. Oh, well, a C is a C. In the last meeting for the American Gangster class, we watched 2 Days in the Valley. When I left the class it was raining pretty good outside. I ran to Huai-Ming's and we had an extra short PSP meeting since Elliot had to leave to practice a skit for IV. I spent the rest of the night messing around with the course schedule, because my Tele-BEARS Phase II starts in about 7 hours. Man, I am staying up too late now. This week's entries look to be shorter than usual (due to the overwhelming stress that finals and Tele-BEARS puts upon me).


I registered for my classes today... I should have done more during Phase I. Oh well, what's done is done. All I can do now is wait to see if I get into the classes that I am currently wait-listed on.

Today was the last Shakespeare class, and dozed off though a lot of it. I stayed up so late last night, looking at the schedule until about 3:00 in the morning. In my room, I tried reading 2 Henry IV but it is just SO BORING, I can't stand it! Then at around 5:45 I got all dressed up and went to meet in front of Cunningham; Unit 2 small group was going to eat at some fancy place in San Fransisco. I borrowed a tie from Leon.

We drove down to SF and went to this restaurant called Max's Opera Cafe, where they had a live pianist and all the waiters could sing. While we were waiting for those girls to arrive, we went to McDonald's and got some chicken nuggets. How classy. And we were all dressed up and we looked like some Asian mafia gang, and we were all wearing khakis and black trench coat things (except Sam, who was our "protect the VIP"), so we looked awfully strange walking into a McDonald's and ordering chicken nuggets. Anyway, at the restaurant, I got a huge steak thing that cost 25 bucks but it was being mostly paid for by someone, somehow (there's a word for it and I can't think of it), so we only had to pay $5 each. Anyway, I ate until I almost vomited (that means I finished my food). Then we went to Stephanie's house and did this "White Elephant" gift exchanging game thing; I gave my TMNT book (which Leon got) and I got this finals kit thing from Stephanie, with lots of neat stuff for finals like Blue Books, apple cider packets, popcorn, and Pixie Sticks (I didn't even know they still made them!). Now it's time to study...