The Berkeley Archives: Jon Yip Talks to Himself

A Systematic Commentary On My Life At Berkeley

Week Seventeen: I'm Done


The test on Thursday turned out better than I thought, but not that much. As soon as I got back, I set myself into a super-relaxed mode and watched Dark City, which was really cool, and then I watched half of Rush Hour 2. I practiced worship with Leon for JJS, and we ran really late (printing stuff in the lab) and when we went back outside it was pouring rain. Well, we ran over there, and I discovered during the first song that the piano's damper pedal didn't work. So I stopped playing.

On Friday I just hung around until evening, when I took the BART to Fremont. Zeke picked me up because we were supposed to have cell group, but I was the only one, so we went to Gloria's house for fun. She was all sniffy about her grades, and it turned out that they weren't even that bad. Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, and I'm sure I didn't do any better. But you don't see ME crying about it.

After that we went to church to help set up for the party, but they were pretty much done. Wayne was there too, so he took me home. I spent an hour cleaning the bedroom and bathroom because they were so dirty, then slept for 12 hours, waking up with a pain in my shoulder.

In the afternoon, before the party, I went to Berean to get a couple presents for the Yankee Swap; there was a huge line at the store, but since I used a check I got to go to this shorter line. I bought two CD's: a Hangnail one (Christian punk) and this other worship band called Circadian Rhythm, who are kind of like U2. I went right to church because I had a practice for the Christmas play, for which MOST (but not ALL) of the cast members showed up. It's coming along all right, but we don't have that much time

I missed the worship at the party since I was helping set things up (and I also "wrapped" my presents in used Twinkie and Ho-ho boxes and brown paper bags), but the food was good (though I missed a lot of that too). I was also complaining about how the game was bad since it is mean-spirited, but alas, my pleas were ignored, and I ended up with a number 8. Jonny, however got the 55 (the highest number; he told us he had 16 but that was really the number that was accidentaly not drawn by anyone) and he switched it with me, so I got to pick last. I got an optical mouse! WHEE! Other stuff happened, but I'm too tired to write.

This morning, Shirley returned to lead worship and it was great! Pastor Ralph took time to honor a bunch of people, which was cool. He took the worship leaders out to eat afterwards at Fish Market, where I had a 15 dollar catfish meal that was pretty darn good. Oh yeah, and I ate Shirley's leftover pasta stuff. I shouldn't eat people leftovers any more. People should finish it themselves!

I went home, sat around until everyone else came home, packed, and then Dad took me to the BART, and I went back to Berkeley. I brought Antz, but the DVD drive on the computer doesn't play any of my DVD's any more! Nothing works! I reformatted to see if that would help, but it didn't! So now I have a reformatted drive, I have to reinstall all the software and drivers, etc., and I need a new DVD player! RATS!


I forgot to mention that Peter gave me the Final Fantasy DVD for Christmas! So THAT'S why he was asking me last week about what DVD's I wanted! Now I feel bad for not even thinking about getting him anything

I tried studying again today, but again, I falter and quake in the crucial moment of truth. I spent a lot of time reinstalling software, fussing around, trying to get the drivers for the Ethernet card (I ran to and from the computer lab about 3 or 4 times in a matter of minutes; I smashed my foot on the wet steps outside and tore a chunk of flesh off of my toe), and I finally go things up and working again. Now, if I only had Word Perfect installed (I'm using Word)

I ate at Unit 3 for the first time today. They have a lot more food, and nicer seats, and real buffet-like lines that go all around the cafeteria; it's pretty cool. James came up later and gave me some candy, popcorn, Scantrons, etc (in addition to the ones I already have) and we played a team game of billiards against these two guys. They won the first game, and we won the second (at least, I think we did. There was only the eight-ball left, that's all I remember). I was going to go to JJS but I didn't because I didn't know where it was and Leon was out (maybe he had already left).

Deprived of the internet for hours today, I was not able to notice that InVision stocks dropped $8.00 today! RATS! Got to study!


I forgot to write yesterday! Well, I studied and all that, took the final, and it all turned out OK! At any rate, I'm done! I celebrated by watching Shaft and going to JJS. Afterwards I went to Bear Market but there was no food left (can you believe it?), so Leon, Tim, and I went to Fat Slice and got some pizza. Mmm. I came back, finished the rest of Shaft, and slept until 10:15 this morning. Ahh

I was burdened by absolutely NO obligations today (except packing before Dad gets here). I watched The Gift, which was pretty good and had good acting from Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, Keanu Reeves, and pretty much everyone else in the movie. I am going to watch The Fellowship of the Ring tomorrow! I must read the book by then...