The Berkeley Archives: Jon Yip Talks to Himself

A Systematic Commentary On My Life At Berkeley

Fall 2002

Week 3: The Vowel is Your Resonator


It was a long drive to the camping place; we stopped for the night at some motel (Sam was allowed in the room!) and watched a little TV. The next day we drove for a long time until we got to Myers’ Flat, which was where our camp site was. We set up the tent and everything, then drove about 30 more miles to Eureka, where we went to the beach, watched movies and bought groceries. Dad, Tim and I watched Road to Perdition, which was totally sweet, and Mom and Leslie watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding,

The next day was standard camping fare, but I didn’t feel so well after sleeping in the tent so I sat around for most of the day. That night I started suffocating in the tent so I went into the car but that didn’t help; I was having massive attacks of asthma and that was horrible. I ended up sleeping on the picnic table outside and getting sick.

I came back this afternoon; nobody was there. Shirley came back shortly after I arrived and I spent the evening “reading” that boring book for Film 151 (which cites sources in their original language, French, without offering translations for them) while watching TV. Leon came back after four hours (!) of small group prep. I’m not feeling so hot right now. Or actually, I am (feverishly).


I really did some real reading this morning, for Film 108. I retained information, too. I think that the book is just written more interestingly, so it’s easier to read or something.

When I arrived at class this morning, there was a test! Sheesh thanks for letting me know. It was on that Theories of Authorship book that was so boring that I couldn’t comprehend anything in it. It’s all so jargon-ey and weird. Fortunately it was open book, so I did pretty well. That is, I thought I did well, until he handed out the answer sheets promptly after we turned our tests in. I guess I didn’t do so hot after all. Rghh.

Then I went to that doofy English 115B class, which wasn’t so bad since I’m kind of getting used to that Booth guy’s circuitous language. But I still don’t know where he’s going with all this BS.

I went back to the apartment briefly and then went back to campus for chorus, which I had to leave early because of the film screening for Film 108. I think I’m going to drop that course, partly because of the scheduling conflict, and also because it isn’t really what I had expected. We’re not watching any cool animation, just old weird stuff. Plus, another set of essays and exams is the last thing I need. I’ll still have 15 units and I can always find a decal if I want.

Small group was very good today; I’m happy to be back in the loop of it after the summer break. I always learn a lot from the discussions we have. Maybe there is an upside to everyone at Berkeley being all “intellectual.”

Victor came over and we ate dinner really late. I got really full. Then we did some worship. Now it’s even later. I need to decide what to do with those classes. Drop I guess.


Shirley woke us up this morning at 7:10. It was weird because I woke up at 7:00 and must have half-dreamed because I thought that I had asked both Leon and Shirley whether or not they wanted to go to Elliot’s birthday thing, and they said they didn’t. So I didn’t either. But that’s not what really happened, so we went to his house and surprised him out of bed. Then we all went to some restaurant for breakfast and I ate so much that I felt sick.

Leon went to his 9:00 class straight from the restaurant, and Shirley and I went back to the apartment. I decided to skip Film 108 since I figure I’m going to drop it anyway. So my first class was at 11:00; it was English 135AC. I didn’t fall asleep once, or even get drowsy, because I spent the whole time ignoring him and thinking about and making up a new short film screenplay.

I came back and did some research on the New Yorker, and how to submit stuff to them. You can only do up to 2 submissions a year (!) and it takes them up to 8 weeks to reply to you, so I better make them count. I read one little essay they had there, and it wasn’t so hot. I had to decide if I should write a story or an essay. Shirley said to write a story. So I thought one up and just started writing what came to my head. I had no idea where it was going.

I had to stop that to go to the chorus sectionals. I was so great. Singing is so fun, especially this kind of thing. Even singing exercises are fun, can you believe that. After that I got a second helping of singing lessons with the vocal technique class, which was great too. I must write this stuff down. The most important thing I heard today, I think, was: when you breathe, think of the next note, and the perfect vowel sound (even if the next note isn’t that vowel) because then you won’t have to strain to reach the note, it will just fall on you, like “manna from heaven.” HAHA! So great!

I came back and kept on writing my story. Leon was there, but he went to Soda Hall for a discussion of something. I thought up the whole thing now and it’s starting to look pretty darn slick. Heh heh. Shirley came back from her rehearsal. I kept on writing until American Idol came on. They wasted lots and lots of time to milk all the tension, but it was a great show because they had all the previous contestant people come back and they all sang these great medleys together. AWESOME. In the end the suspense was killing me and they kept delaying it, but finally Kelly won, as she should have. Whew, it’s over. Meanwhile I was trying to read, and actually knocked quite a few pages out of the way, but I haven’t remembered one thing. Leon came back near the end of the show and made ravioli for us. He got cut on the back edge of the knife, which, for some reason, is really sharp. He also brought back my book (which I have to read this week, it’s nearly 300 pages and the print is tiny) and the George Foreman Grill that we ordered from Amazon. YEEHAH!

I started writing the screenplay even though I haven’t finished the story yet. When there’s so much stuff in my head I have to get it all out in writing before I forget it, or decide not to write it. Of course, my reading is suffering for it, but that’s OK. Writing is much more important, and pertains more strongly to the future at hand.


I sat around this morning, actually doing some productive reading (basically re-reading what I “read’ yesterday in that Theories of Authorship bore) while waiting for the AT&T guy to come and install our cable internet. He came pretty late, at about 11:30, and it took him about 5 minutes to install. It’s SOO fast!

I went to class today. Film 151 was pretty much the same thing. However, a new light dawned on me in English 115B, during times that I wasn’t dozing off. I realized that this guy so anti-BS to the point of reactionary BSing confusion that I can use this to my advantage. I just have to BS in a totally opposite manner, which I think I will be able to do. I overheard some girl who had taken Booth before, and she says that HE says that you’re not supposed to have a thesis (whatever that means) and to just write like you talk, which I am quite good at.

Chorus was great, as usual. I’m trying to write down all that stuff she says. Sing like you’re drinking your notes, not like you’re pushing them out. Breathe into a yawn; your jaw should be relaxed, and always think of the note and perfect vowel on your breath. The vowel is your resonator. Listen to the chord more than yourself. HAHAHA this is great!!!

I backed some of our chicken for dinner, and that turned out pretty well. Leon made some good eggs and carrots. We both ate a whole ton of food. Shirley went out. So Leon and I had lots of food to gobble, and we watched Alien 3, which was on TV. I saw all the David Fincher coolness this time. Neat!!!

I don’t like reading.


I went to the RSF this morning with Shirley for that kickboxing class thing. It is a lot of fun now.

I came back and hung around until my 11:00 class, which I attended, but only in physical presence, not in spirit. Then I finally returned the Film 108 book, fully ridding myself now of anything to do with the course. Ah, it’s off my mind.

The rest of the afternoon was extremely unproductive. Jesse came over to work on a CS project with Leon, so I “read” for a little while as they did that. Then he left with Shirley for worship practice, and Leon and I spent the remaining time before IV installing and configuring Counter-Strike. We finally got it going, and played a few games.

I went to IV. It was a good meeting. After that we came back and Wayne went with us to our apartment for a while. We all played Counter-Strike. Then I started watching Starship Troopers on TV. I need to move the fan under my video card because it keeps locking up. There’s not much to say about today, I guess.