The Berkeley Archives: Jon Yip Talks to Himself

A Systematic Commentary On My Life At Berkeley

Fall 2002

Week 6: Maybe That’s Our Problem


I accidentally gave Leedah incorrect directions to Berkeley... I said 680 instead of 880. Whoops. Anyway, they all (Ben, Stephen, and Leedah) got here eventually, one way or another, and went to IV. After that we went to eat some stuff and came back to the apartment, where we watched... Empire of the Sun! Yay! It was quite late when I went to sleep. The next morning we I jumped into the sofa bed thing with those three (Leon was working on the CS project all night) and we basically thrashed around and did some horrid karaoke every time Leon played a song on his computer. Heh?

We walked around Berkeley, then came back. Leedah drove me to his house in Fremont, and Dad picked me up. I ran some errands (bought stuff, including Panic Room DVD) and then there was cell group at Rona’s house, which ran INCREDIBLY well. We ended at 9:30! People were out by 10:00! Holy cow!!!

Church was good this morning, but I just felt strange, I couldn’t worship too well, even though I was trying. I think it is the goofy Telletubby-ish colors everywhere that bug me. There was a cell leaders’ meeting afterwards, which I attended.

By the time I got home and was all ready to go, it was about 5 or so o’clock, and I ended up eating dinner and everything and then I drove to Berkeley with my family. Then when I got here, Leon, Shirley, and I went to Safeway with Eric’s car and bought a disturbingly massive amount of food.

I’ve been finally working on recording! Well, not really recording; just the Fruity Loops stuff. But at least I’ve started.


Just a regular morning today. I’m doing a better job of staying awake in class these days. English 135AC went by uneventfully.

I made some pasta for lunch. I worked on music, read, and quasi-napped during my 3-hour break before sectionals. At 3:00 I went to the sectionals and we worked on the Mozart some more. That went by pretty quickly. My legs and feet get tired from all the standing around, since I’m flat-footed.

I forgot exactly what I did when I got back. I made a little bit of food for myself before going to the screening of Dragon Gate Inn at the PFA, which was really good. It had a lot of great fight scenes. Despite this, and also the fact that the professor was sitting right next to me, I fell asleep, DURING an action scene. What is wrong with me. You know it was funny because I had to sit in the front, on the side, just like I did when I saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the theatre.

I came back, did more reading while watching TV, and ate a lot more food. I need to work on the papers soon (English 115B is due in less than two weeks, and the English 135AC is due in 2 weeks exactly), but I hate getting started. I feel like I don’t even know the readings well enough to write jack squat about them. Damn what am I supposed to do.


Got up this morning, did some reading and stuff. I ate one of those Power Gels before class but it did me no good whatsoever; I bonked out in class on more than one occasion. I guess we’re back to the old routine. Ugh but it was so BORING! Actually Film 151 wasn’t half bad at all, but that Booth guy in English 115B is a freakin’ BS-machine! Urgh. BUT at least I got an email back from the reader, who told me that I can have a short paper, and that I don’t have to do all that “meaning” crap. I just have to do what Booth does in class, but on paper. We’ll see.

Did I mention that Batbold’s son was healed in both eyes??? YAH, I can hardly believe it myself! Then again, maybe that’s our problem. So I’m wondering: should this become so regular that it should no longer surprise us, or should it always be amazing? I think it should be both, sort of. MAN! One eye was GONE, and the other had an extremely slim chance of being saved, and now BOTH eyes are HEALED! WOW! GOD ANSWERS PRAYER! I emailed Tuul and Bulgan on the spot! Tuul replied already! Aaahhh I love them so much! They’re emails are so great!

Chorus was good. Then there was small group, which was also good. Afterwards I burned Wayne a copy of Half-Life so he can experience what college is really all about.


I went to class this morning and found it boring and sleep-inducing. Then I came back and hung out/did work for a few hours until I had to go to the vocal technique class. Again, I was the only bass there so I got my share of soloing in front of everybody. Luckily, they’re all in the class for the same reason as me, so there’s nothing for me to be embarrassed about or anything. Ha ha.

When I came back, Tina was here working on her photographs that she took of these really nifty model houses. She made them out of cardboard. Boy some of that stuff was so complicated. It was really cool. Anyhoos, then we had Victor and Chris come over just for kicks, and Chris and Leon cut Victor’s hair in the bathroom, which took an hour and a half. Chris had to leave, and the rest of us ate dinner. Shirley came home just as we started so she ate too. Then Victor left because he had previous engagements. The Shirley left to go study somewhere. Leon was sleeping on the couch. I watched The Time Machine, which was really cool, until my computer locked up again (it seems like my computer will go about 40 minutes or so of gaming or movie-ing until the video card overheats. It’s like my timer or something), and I spent a good deal of the night trying to rearrange the fans and crap just so it won’t give me these damn problems. It’s shortening the life of my computer, and besides, it’s just herra annoying.

I should probably get started on my papers soon.


I woke up pretty late today, at about 9:15. Class was OK, got drowsy as usual, even though I took another one of them Power Gels. Chorus was OK too, and went by quickly.

After a relatively hot week, it was strangely cold and cloudy today. I actually had to wear jackets to campus! Whee! The FUN season of the year is finally starting! Oh and I picked up some passes for Knockaround Guys that’s going to be showing next Wednesday.

When I got back from chorus, Shirley was just about to leave to go out with her old house-mates. Leon was already gone for Oases. So I just watched a little more of The Time Machine by myself until my computer froze (it was 40 minutes, again), then made myself some salad, and pasta with sausage and onion sauce. Mmm. Shirley came back, with a couple of her house-mates for a few minutes to show them the apartment, then left again. Shortly after, Leon came back. I watched Rush Hour on TV while eating all my food (it was a lot) and reading.

I cut up the honeydew. It’s a little past its time, but it’s OK. I also kind of figured out what I’m going to write about in my papers, so at least I’ve got some sort of start.