American Dream.

Ralph. As the American Dream.

Angela. As the Girl.

Leedah. As a variant of himself.

Jon. As a variant of himself.

Act Monologue.

ANGELA (v.o.):

It’s a horrible feeling. It’s emptiness and loneliness. By some people’s standards, my family was “dysfunctional,” quote-unquote, but would it have made a difference if they hadn’t been? That kind of thing can’t be decided. Even healthy families raise lonely kids. I have my friends, I talk to people, but what’s the point? Do they really care? Even if they do, no matter how good a friend is, they’re still someone else. You can try to relate all you want, but the in the end, you’re still you and I’m still me. You’ll never really know what it is, to be me. So no one can say that they really “know how I feel” or that they “know what it’s like.” I try to keep things simple. I try to put things on a level that everyone can agree on. Why is it so hard for people to understand me? I dream a lot, of something more. Something better. But I get the feeling that these dreams aren’t amounting to anything. I guess you could say that I’m beginning to lose hope in people, and I’m beginning to lose faith in dreams.

LEEDAH (v.o.):

I don’t have time to dream. Dreams aren’t a priority right now, because right now I have to focus on my studies. Get my degree. I’m working, too. You know how they say that you should get as much experience as you can when you’re young, because the brain stops growing and begins shrinking at 18 years of age. Well, I’ve already passed THAT mark. Hopefully I can build up enough grades and accomplishments so that I eventually won’t NEED to use my brain because my credentials will speak for themselves. I’m counting on that when it’s time to get out there in the real world. It’s all about the fattening of the resume... Oh yeah and I work out twice a week. I’d say that’s pretty impressive for a full-time college student who’s also got a job, in this day and age. The bottom line is: my life’s just begun, and there’s so much ahead of me. A lot can happen. I’m looking forward to settling down eventually and finding a comfortable routine, but I’ve got plenty of stuff to do before that happens. I guess you could say that I’m just trying to survive for now.

JON (v.o.)

Whatever, I’m OUT of school. THAT’S when it gets hard. I run around, trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life, but sometimes it seems like nothing I do leads anywhere. It’s just a lot of aimless trial and error. There are no guarantees in this life... If there’s one thing I need right now, it’s direction. Time keeps slipping away, and here I am, idling around, not knowing what I’m doing, or where I want to go. I want to make sure I do the right thing, that whatever I end up doing with my life makes a difference. For me, it’s not about accomplishment, or satisfaction, or creating a lasting name for myself. Maybe I don’t really know what it’s about, after all. Maybe it’s just about finding my passion in life and pursuing it all the way, so that one day I can look back and say that when opportunity struck, I struck back! That I found my place in life. That I can see all these things and be content, and live fully. I guess you could say it’s the American Dream.

RALPH (v.o.):

Well, I AM the American Dream. I’m happily married, I have two kids, a dog, a big backyard, and a fireplace; I have a two-car garage and two cars to go in it. I like to watch football during evenings and my wife bakes ginger-bread men and gives me power tools for Christmas. We have neighbors next door and their last name is Jones. We know the Joneses on a strictly superficial level but we still invite them over for dinner on a semi-regular basis; not regular enough for them to think that we’re trying be best friends or anything, but often enough that they still think we’re friendly, hospitable, next-door neighbors... I have security and seniority at a tech job in Silicon Valley, I work Monday to Friday, nine to five (sometimes four-thirty). I have annual salary bonuses AND stock options. The economy is so-so but I make enough. I make six figures. I don’t make seven figures because I don’t NEED seven. I’ve taken my family on vacation, once to Hawaii, and once to Cancun. I’m thinking about Madrid or Rome for next time... I’m still paying down the house, but it’s a fifteen year plan. Life is good; I guess you could say fate dealt me the cards in my favor. Nice.

Act Dialogue.

All are standing in a row.

LEEDAH (v.o.):

It’s kind of quiet here... I wonder if I should say anything... Hmm... (pause) Well, I’m gonna do it.


Nice weather today, huh.


JON (v.o.):

I don’t want to talk about weather...

ANGELA (v.o):

Me neither.

RALPH (v.o):

Me neither... I think those two guys might be trying to mug me.


Yeah. Yeah, it’s pretty nice.


LEEDAH (v.o):

Well, THAT didn’t work.


LEEDAH (to Angela):

Hi, my name’s Leedah. I don’t think I’ve met you.


Hi, I’m Angela.


This is my friend Jon.


Hi, I–

LEEDAH: Where are you from?

JON (v.o):

Dude, easy! This guy’s starting even faster than usual...


I’m from Milpitas.


Cool, I’m from Fremont.


 Oh. Do you go to school there?


Naw, I go to Cal State Hawyard.


Oh, wow, cool.

ANGELA (v.o):

What’s that?


Yeah, go Cal State Hayward!!!

LEEDAH (v.o):


ANGELA (to Jon):

So what about you? What school do you go to?


Oh, I graduated already.

LEEDAH (v.o):

Does he have to say that every single time?


Oh wow, congratulations. How old are you??



LEEDAH (v.o):

I’ll bet he just loves it when they ask that.

JON (to Ralph):

Ahem...! So, anyway... what’s your name?

RALPH (v.o):

They’re gonna jump me, they’re gonna jump me, they’re gonna jump me...

LEEDAH (extending a tract over):

And have you gotten one of these yet?


Aaaaaahhhh!!! (Manically pushes his way through the other three and flees)

Act Contemplation.

All are reading their Bibles.

JON (v.o):

Hmm... I wonder what’s in here... Proverbs, proverbs... hmm. This one looks familiar... “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” OK...

ANGELA (v.o):

Psalms, psalms... “In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.” Well I suppose that sounds nice...

JON (v.o):

Psalms, psalms... So what’s next in my life? Do I really have to know? What does this say. “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands.” Does that mean I’ll be blessed, regardless of where I go? In what aspects? “He provides food for those who fear him.” That works. “Finds great delight in his commands.” What are his commands?

RALPH (v.o):

So what’s this book all about anyway? Here’s Exodus. Exodus... “You shall not murder.” Of course I don’t murder. That’s easy enough.

JON (v.o):

What are his commands?

RALPH (v.o):

“You shall not commit adultery.” I haven’t done that either. I’d make it into heaven.

LEEDAH (v.o):

Matthew, Matthew... “Anyone who murders is subject to judgement. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement.” “In danger of hell fire!” All I want to do is get through school.

RALPH (v.o):

“Hell fire?” But– but I thought I WAS a good person.

ANGELA (v.o):

Matthew, Matthew... “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

JON (v.o):

So what about work? What about career? What about marriage?? Ugh, I don’t even have a girlfriend... Aw man...

ANGELA (v.o): Hmm, Proverbs... “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” In ALL your ways...

RALPH (v.o):

Oh man... Luke, Luke...

LEEDAH (v.o):

Surviving college is hard enough! How can I survive THIS?

RALPH (v.o):

“How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.” I don’t understand this. I am the American Dream! And yet I can’t earn my way into eternal life? Hebrews... “Keep your lives free from the love of money...”

ANGELA (v.o):

“...And be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews...

JON (v.o):

Peter, Peter... “Cast your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Acknowledge him in ALL my ways, and he will make my paths straight.

ANGELA (v.o):

He cares for me. Ephesians...

LEEDAH (v.o):

Ephesians, Ephesians... “We were by nature objects of wrath...”

RALPH (v.o):

“...But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.” I am dead in transgressions...

LEEDAH (v.o):

I once was dead. I was an object of God’s wrath. I’m just trying to survive now. How can I?

JON (v.o):

Am I able to set my own dreams aside and trust in God for all things? What are his commands?

ANGELA (v.o):

It’s not myself or others that I should put faith in. Am I assured that God is with me always?

JON (v.o):


RALPH (v.o):

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith– and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”