Eisner Prize Potential Entries

There was a bunch of contests here at Berkeley; this particular one is the Eisner Prize for Photography. I chose ten of my digital photos that I thought were interesting and printed them out at an exorbitant rate. Then I chose three (the limit on the number of photographs allowed for submission) and entered them in the contest.

I chose "flourescent," "self," and "study." The first and the latter were shoo-ins because EVERYONE thought they were the best. Then it was a toss up between "tea," "vicki & kim," and "self." The first of those two were more popular (especially the second), but I decided against "tea" because though neat, it seemed a little uninteresting, and I took out "vicki & kim" because even though people like the unusual perspective, it looked too much like I was just taking pictures of friends. "self" seemed like a better choice because a) you can't tell who it is, and b) a self-portrait just feels like it's more "artistic." Anyways, have yourselves a gander and see what you think.

vicki & kim
victor & leon

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