Mongolia 2001 Video

Unlike last year, I tried to be inconspicuous and culturally sensitive, so I didn't take too many shots out in the public, hence, there are much less shots of us outside in the city and much more of the people at church or when we have fellowship together somewhere.

I know the quality isn't very good, partly because I had to reduce bitrate to lessen the bandwidth blow, and partly because my camera is showing undeniable signs of age. For one thing, the sound, which is very good, is also very sensitive to the slightest magnetic fields and will therefore pick up an overpowering hum of feedback whenever it is recording near certain electronic devices (like TVs, flourescent lights, etc.). Another problem is the auto-focus, which doesn't work efficiently under poor lighting conditions, so a lot of shots are manually focused by me.

01 - Thursday (added 9-4-2001)
This is our first day, from the long stop in Korea, to our flight on Miat Airlines, to our arrival in Mongolia, to our settling down in our rooms at the Zaluuchuud Hotel. (5.3 MB)
02 - Friday (added 9-4-2001)
All I recorded for this day was us meeting again with the church members, and a few short bits from a couple of workshops. (5.5 MB)
03 - Saturday (added 9-12-2001)
We HAD to make a movie sometime while we were there. So we did. Early in the morning, Leedah and I got cracking and made a 12-minute, one-shot movie. (24.2 MB)
04 - Saturday (added 9-12-2001)
This is a small clip of the Revival Conference on Saturday. I'm sorry the quality is poor here; I had the "sport" setting on in low lighting so it didn't turn out the way I wanted. (1.8 MB)
05 - Saturday (added 9-12-2001)
We performed "Decision Time" on Saturday morning. So this is it. There's some darn good acting in here, folks. (15.9 MB)
06 - Saturday (added 10-16-2001)
A small bite of life on a Saturday afternoon. We discuss the Most Famous Question, run through some beautiful midday rainfall, and eat at City Coffee. Plus, I couldn't resist a short, traditional toilet shot. (9.0 MB)
07 - Sunday (added 10-16-2001)
We went to a mountaintop monument to pray for Ulaanbaatar. After church, we visited a super fancy buffet and were treated to some rad singing by Dosho, Tulga, and others. (14.7 MB)
08 - Monday (added 10-16-2001)
Due to a scheduling error, we had a whole lot of free time on Monday, giving us a chance to log in a whole lot of game hours. Includes an improv song by Dembee, a few rounds of Mafia and our new favorite, Donkey. (14.6 MB)
09 - Tuesday (added 10-16-2001)
Naraa, Tuul, and Dosho recorded the church's "theme" song for us (which was written, incidentally, by the pianist in the Sunday video). It's such a great song. (9.6 MB)
10 - Tuesday (added 11-6-2001)
We did our children's program today, making paper plate shakers, playing games, and doing all kinds of fun stuff. (5.0 MB)
11 - Tuesday (added 11-6-2001)
On Tuesday night, Tulga and Tseegi came to our hotel to sing us a nice song, accompanied by their music tape, played on Leedah's tape recorder. (10.7 MB)
12 - Wednesday (added 11-6-2001)
Well, you'll just have to see this one for yourself. Also, Helen, our outreach leader (what's her name??), and I use the elevator and stairs in one of the apartment buildings. (4.1 MB)
13 - Thursday (added 11-6-2001)
On our fun day, we all drove off into the countryside to ride camels and horses, and basically just run around in the forest and eat. (7.2 MB)
14 - Thursday (added 11-6-2001)
On the way back from the countryside, we sang a TON of songs in the van/bus, such as "Happy Birthday" to Cindy in three languages, among others. (10.2 MB)
15 - Thursday Night - Friday (added 11-6-2001)
We said goodbye to each other so many times, but it was never enough. I laugh every time I see this clip, but it makes me miss them so much. Until next time... (4.45 MB)

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