When I was much smaller I used to be considered the best darn artist around. Now everybody seems to be able to draw better than me. Nevertheless, I must admit that my drawings are, if anything, unique, and they are in the same style that my animations are in.
Lab Safety (added 9-10-2001)
This is the lab safety poster that I drew for Eric's chem project. I can't picture this getting anything but an A. Remember, report ALL spills to the instructor immediately!
Buy Linux
Sometimes in classrooms or textbooks you see the World War II poster of a shadow of the Swastika hovering over some kids. Well now it's Window$ doing the menacing. Fight for the cause!
Amazin' Man #2: Birth
This shows Amazin' Man right after being born.
Amazin' Man #1
I invented this doofy superhero with a toaster gun and I still haven't figured out what his powers are going to be yet.
Deer Hunting
The title is "noun verb" and not "adjective noun" like you'd expect. Get it?
I drew this picture for my friend Jon H. on the flight to Belize and I liked it so much that I decided to draw a better version. I'm the guy in flannels with the long hair.
Giant Robot
This was long before "The Iron Giant" came out. Boy, I'd watch out if I were you if I ever build this thing.
D.C. Destroyed
One day this will happen. It's inevitable.
Dogs Playing Poker
Not a very good imitation of that famous painting.
Swab th'decks and loot th'landlubbers' docks! Arrgh, and get me some a'that thar rumskins! I'm the guy on the lower right.
Pentagon Hacking
Of course this isn't a self-portrait. Everybody knows that I'm --- [CODE CONFIRM:; {*0938283*} upload virus 09:36:59 time elapse :46 s/h;, ((QLTR[&launch%]94SF))... CONCUR] --- no good with computers.
Bomb Specialist
Wow, it would be cool if I was him.
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