All righty, let's get down to the legal junk that makes it okay for me to sue you if you violate my online rights!
First, all the HTML on this site was made by me, so please don't take them without my permission because I worked sweat, tears, and blood to make all these confounded tables match up together all nicely and everything. Sure, you can use a WYSIWYG and cheat, but then things don't look as good and you have about 9,837 extra, meaningless tags scattered around all over your text file and the only way you can navigate the mazes of symbols is if you keep on using the WYSIWYG to alter it in a more image-based format. Anyway, the only exception to this rule is the scripts that I use (which give credit to the original authors). You can use those all you like.
Second, the images. I had to fiddle around with my Photoshop for hours on end to make all these images look nifty when pasted together with crude, text-based tables. So please don't use them. Third party images (from movies, TV, etc.) that have been integrated into the design are copyright of their respective owners.
Third, my text and media. If you really think something written on this page is great you can quote me with my permission (unless I mispell something, then you have to let me fix if first so I don't look like an idiot). All of the photographs, drawings, animations, etc. are also mine so don't take them from this site either.
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