These animations are the original staple of this site, and they have come a LONG way, I can tell you. From crude, unfunny, meaningless animated bits to... well, crude, unfunny, meaningless animated LONGER bits. To download, right click the file, and select "save target as.." and save it to your hard drive.
Magnet (added 11-13-2001)
My FIRST hand-drawn animation ever! It was for a school project (which explains the umm... rather sexist undertones... it's not REALLY my opinion). I know some of it is really cliche and unoriginal, but I DON'T CARE!
The Phantom Puppeteer
This are my stop-motion animations of Star Wars action figures. I actually used my computer to add effects and erase my hands (hence the title..get it? Ha he ho).
The First ROLCC Cartoon 
At first I made this cartoon to humiliate my friends. But under all that it means much more. It signifies the battle between good and evil. It represents truth, justice, and hope. It symbolizes--well, actually, it doesn't really mean anything, but I had fun making it. Beware, the animation stinks.
Christmas Special '98
My poetic tribute to the spirit of Christmas. Peace on earth and good will toward men.
Capitol Invasion
Take the title and associate it with the word "aliens." 'Nuff said.
The Accident
This was my first "real" cartoon with some sort of plot. Also, the animation was a great leap over previous efforts.
Land of the Free
Wouldn't it be cool if this really happened?
Jet Destroys City
At the time I seemed to be obsessed with explosions (wait a minute; at the time?). This was the first cartoon where I used "camera movement."
Aliens Destroy Earth
My second cartoon ever (the first was of an alligator eating a stick man and I lost it). Short and stupid.
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